How to apply a coupon for your order
To apply a coupon for your order, please follow these steps:
1. Visit
2. Find the items you desire and add them to your Dunkare shopping cart.
3. Once you’re happy with your selections, proceed to checkout. Look for the Checkout button and click on it to begin the payment process.
4. Carefully fill in all the required information on the checkout page. This typically includes your billing and shipping details.
5. While reviewing your order summary, keep an eye out for a designated section labeled Enter coupon code. This is where you’ll apply your Dunkare coupon for potential savings.
6. Type or paste your Dunkare coupon code into the designated box. Remember, these codes might have specific requirements or limitations, so ensure your chosen items qualify for the discount.
7. Click Add to activate the discount. You should see the discount reflected in your order total.
Tip: Double-check the coupon code for any typos or spacing errors before applying it. This will help ensure a smooth discount application process.
My coupon code didn’t work
If the coupon code didn’t work, please check:
- Order requirement: Many coupons have specific requirements to be applied. Check the details of your coupon for any minimum order amount, product category restrictions, or other limitations.
For example, if the coupon code is for free shipping on orders of $25 or more, make sure that you’re spending $25. - Coupon Validity: Coupons often have expiration dates. Check the details of the coupon to see if it’s still valid. Expired coupons won’t work at checkout.
Still have questions?
But if you have any legal questions, feel free to contact us at [email protected].