Will I have to pay for Tax or Customs on my order?
When ordering from abroad, additional fees might apply based on import taxes and customs duties set by your home country. To ensure a smooth delivery process and compliance with customs regulations, Dunkare may need to collect these taxes at checkout to forward them to the relevant authorities
Am I responsible for paying customs fees?
Custom fees are levied on physical goods crossing international borders, not domestic purchases within the same country.As a buyer, you’re typically responsible for additional costs like duties, taxes, and customs clearance fees.
In some countries, Dunkare is obligated to collect taxes such as VAT on imported goods, which are then sent to tax authorities.
Most customs charges are due once the package arrives in the destination country. The cost of the charges is based on:
- The price and type of item
- The package weight and dimensions
- The original country the package is being shipped from
- The taxes, duties, and fees of the destination country
Still have questions?
But if you have any legal questions, feel free to contact us at [email protected].